Starry Food In Paris With Bistro Price: Know The Bistro Paradis

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Starry Food In Paris With Bistro Price: Know The Bistro Paradis

Bistro Paradis, a find in Paris!

Great stellar restaurants enchant us with flavors, high quality ingredients and presentation. The high gastronomy is a dip into the 5 senses that gives us unique experiences and unforgettable memories. But the problem is usually the price. Usually, this whole experience comes with a very high value to be paid. Well, at least until now.

Know The Bistronomy Concept

Bistro Paradis

Created in France, the concept emerged to unite characteristics of a French bistro (informal atmosphere, bare decor) with the ingredients and dishes of a high-gastronomic restaurant, but with affordable values. For a restaurant to fit into the concept of bistronomy it really needs to look aesthetically with a French bistro, meaning the place needs to be small and cozy and with more informal service. In addition, the chef needs to be someone of renown, who has passed through high-gastronomy houses. This is the case of the Brazilian chef @AlexandreFurtado, who runs Bistro Paradis.

Bistro Paradis

My Experience At Bistro Paradis

It was through my dear Mariana from @ that I met the restaurant. She invited me for a lunch and I loved it! We ordered the menu du jour (menu of the day), and now they are amazed at the prices: € 18 entry + dish or plate + dessert and € 23 entry + dish + dessert!

Bistro Paradis

Whoever comes to Paris knows how hard it is to eat at these prices, especially in a restaurant that promises incredible and well prepared dishes! Loved it!

Bistro Paradis

The presentation of the dishes is beautiful and timely, no frills. The Franco-Brazilian combinations impress, and for those who are homesick it even warms the heart. It had foie gras and guava jam, cod cooked in “moqueca” style sauce, pudding with coconut milk and so on.
Bistro Paradis

I highly recommend the menu! I confess that I was a bit confused with the prices off the menu, some entrees come to 16 €, and the most expensive dish comes out for 27 € ¯ _ (ツ) _ / ¯. The menu has the best value for money!
Bistro Paradis

Write down this restaurant tip in Paris and then tell me what you found!

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Photos: Press Release

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