Seven Errors In Musculation That Harmonize Your Muscle Growth

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07 mistakes in bodybuilding

Around here we believe that health is the number one concern. From time to time, the fitness wave has invaded social networks and continues to infect more and more people looking for a healthy diet and specific exercises. If you’re new to this world, it’s easy to fall into bad workout habits, especially when you do not know what you’re doing, even when your pants start to tighten and the scale number begins to move in the wrong direction. Hence it may be time to re-evaluate your approach.

Physical trainer Fabio Aquino listed the 7 most common bodybuilding errors that end with his result:

Captura de Tela 2017-04-02 às 3.05.15 PM

1 – Do more sequences to gain more muscles

Working out too much can cause an overdose of training, which causes exhaustion and even helps to lose muscle mass. At the time of training, the body releases testosterone, insulin and growth hormone. All stimulate muscle growth. But at the same time, the metabolism releases cortisol, a hormone that may also disrupt the body’s ability to properly use the protein, which disrupts muscle growth.

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2 – To think that, for the muscle to grow, one must feel that it is “burning”

To get muscle hypertrophy, many people think that it takes repetitions until the pain becomes unbearable, which is a mistake. The pain felt is caused by the release of lactic acid which, in small amounts, triggers what is called an anabolic cascade, a large amount of growth-stimulating hormones. When in excess, it provides the opposite effect, stops the growth and still causes ruptures in the muscle.

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3 – Wasting time with wrong exercises

Another myth is to find that only by changing the training sequences frequently will hypertrophy be obtained. Performing the same types of movements every week increases strength at high speed. Thus the body gains muscle mass faster than expected. Generally, beginners make some basic bodybuilding mistakes that are corrected over time. However, it is not difficult to find people who have been training for more time and make fatal mistakes to progress in bodybuilding

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4 – Lift weight without respecting the limits of the body

Lifting unlimited weight is harmful and most weight lifters have no idea what the most appropriate way to do this type of exercise is, and may even cause injury.

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5 – Exercising on an empty stomach

Working on an empty stomach does not burn fat, as many believe. On top of that, he is likely to sabotage your efforts to end your energy. Consuming a pre-workout snack is essential to have energy and increase your exercise yield.

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6 – Drinking little water

Water is the most important solution in our body. Virtually all chemical reactions that occur are based on the presence of water. In this sense, it is very important that you maintain a good intake of water throughout the day, so that the recovery of your workout occurs correctly.

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7 – Expect immediate results

Real results will not happen overnight. Consistency and correct work for your body type and specific goals are the only ways. So, take it easy that “the way is long, but victory is certain.”

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